We believe in the ethical production of biomass to replace the need for coal-fired energy for a cleaner, more progressive Japan. We believe we can do this while caring more deeply for the environment, by partnering with and bridging the gap between supplier and Japanese energy production plants to create a more visionary, safer environment for the Japanese people. We partner with the earth, as well, caring for every aspect of sustainable growth and harvesting of forests, of production, and throughout our supply chain–for a healthier environment for us all.
Le Pont is a bridge to a better Japan.
The result is a growing demand for renewable energy sources to replace the outdated and costly coal-burning techniques that now dominate Japanese domestic energy production. Major power plants use coal-burning to produce Japan’s much-needed energy source, which must be produced domestically due to lack of infrastructure connecting it to any other land source energy provision. To balance the needs for competitive energy pricing, economic competitiveness with other countries, climate change mitigation and environmental sustainability, Japan must find better energy production that distances from the use of coal, which is messy to burn, damaging to the environment, causes health concerns, and is cost-ineffective to acquire. The Japanese government has asked that coal-firing plants transition away from the use of coal by 2030, providing a rising demand for alternative and renewable fuel sources.
Wood chips provide an option but absorb too much water, making them difficult to import and store. Wood pellets, mostly supplied from Asia, are low in quality and are not holding up the new standards for environmental sustainability. The largest focus has been on PKS, which is environmentally destructive and sourced from unethical production practices by the countries that provide it.
As Japan adopts FITs (Feed-In Tariffs) to address the growing need for sustainable, renewable energy generation while pulling away from the environmentally and financially costly status quo of wood chips, wood pellets, and PKS (Palm Kernel Shell), a better solution must be adopted. By 2022, these applications will no longer meet the improving environmental standards of the Japanese government amidst growing concerns over legal and ethical procurement of PKS and wood for fuel. Japanese power plant owners are in dire need of a solution.
The solution is torrefied pellets.
The most reliable and attractive replacement for nuclear and coal is biomass. To meet the rising needs of renewable and ethical energy production, while meeting these rising environmental standards, the forward-thinking and responsible technology of torrefaction must be adopted. Torrefied pellets will be the new standard for energy production, making coal burning a thing of the past for Japan. The demand for torrefied pellets, a more renewably sourced, economic, and cleaner option is increasing exponentially. Therefore, torrefied pellets will dominate the market for renewable energy source options.
Le Pont offers a bridge between sustainable suppliers of torrefied pellets and coal-power plants to provide a progressive, cost-effective, cleaner solution for Japan’s growing energy needs. Renewable, self-owned wood supply by our manufacturer eliminates the unethical practices currently being used to supply PKS, which ravages the nations supplying it and thrusts questionable practices into common use. The Japanese government is setting the stage for pulling away from dependence on PKS to fuel the energy supply Japan needs, creating a vacuum of need that torrefied pellets will fill by forests grown, owned, and managed by the manufacturer. To eliminate the astronomic shipping costs currently associated with importing, Le Pont can also provide in-house shipping directly from our suppliers, which drastically cuts costs for power producers in Japan, further strengthening the bridge relationship Le Pont offers.